36 acre parcel, Grant Township, Youth and Apprentice ONLY, Maximum 3 Hunters
160 acre parcel, Alabaster Township, All hunting, Maximum 7 Hunters
160 acre parcel, Alabaster Township, All hunting, Maximum 7 Hunters
480 acre parcel, Alabaster Township, All hunting, Maximum 33 Hunters

Looking for a new source of farm or property income? Wildlife eating your crops?
The DNR is interested in enrolling you in H.A.P.(Hunting Access Program).
- HAP leases land in northern lower Michigan to provide new hunting opportunities.
- HAP pays a $ amount per acre and extra for wildlife food plots on the land.
- Landowners do not have to live on the land or the farm.
- Landowners can select from a variety of hunting options including all species,deer only, turkey only or small game only and working with the DNR can determinehow many hunters will be allowed on the land at the same time.

This is a great opportunity!
For more information on how to enroll your property in HAP call today!
Iosco Conservation District989-362-2591 ext. 5
Monday or Thursday mornings or any time on Tuesdays
You can always leave a message
and the HAP Coordinator will return your call
For more information on how to enroll your property in HAP call today!
Iosco Conservation District989-362-2591 ext. 5
Monday or Thursday mornings or any time on Tuesdays
You can always leave a message
and the HAP Coordinator will return your call
+According to HAP Surveys, habitat enhancement on HAP enrolled property
will help to create a better hunting experience.
All HAP properties are eligible for habitat enhancement projects including acres enrolled
in Farm Bill related programs. HAP Habitat funding can provide extra cost-share beyond contract limits for establishing habitat on new enrollments or help fund required maintenance such as mid-contract management. Improving habitat quality can also lead to an increased annual HAP payment.
Priority Projects:
Grassland Planting, Management and/or Maintenance
Perennial or Annual Foodplots
Soft-Mast Producing Trees
Total DNR Cost-Share: up to $250 per acre
All projects must be approved by the HAP Coordinator
989-362-2591 Ext 5 Leave your name and phone # and the Coordinator will contact you.
+According to HAP Surveys, habitat enhancement on HAP enrolled property
will help to create a better hunting experience.
All HAP properties are eligible for habitat enhancement projects including acres enrolled
in Farm Bill related programs. HAP Habitat funding can provide extra cost-share beyond contract limits for establishing habitat on new enrollments or help fund required maintenance such as mid-contract management. Improving habitat quality can also lead to an increased annual HAP payment.
Priority Projects:
Grassland Planting, Management and/or Maintenance
Perennial or Annual Foodplots
Soft-Mast Producing Trees
Total DNR Cost-Share: up to $250 per acre
All projects must be approved by the HAP Coordinator
989-362-2591 Ext 5 Leave your name and phone # and the Coordinator will contact you.