Conservation District Forestry Assistance Program
The Forestry Assistance Program works to provide an initial professional contact with landowners who are interested in forest management on their property. Our role is to provide general guidance and information and facilitate referrals to other public and private resource professionals.
Consultants interested in pursuing the project described below should respond to__Iosco___ Conservation District by email within two weeks of this posting. You may include additional relevant information in your responses pertaining to the project. I will then forward all emails received to the landowner. We encourage landowners to contact all of the consultants who reply in a timely fashion, but the choice remains with the individual landowner. Our office will follow up with landowners to ensure they get the assistance they need.
Please contact us if you would like more information on any project, we may have other information such as notes, maps, or digital photographs. Contact information: Russell Williams 989-335-8563.
Forestry Referral Number (County Code-FY-00): __-__-___
Date Sent: __/__/____
Location: Baldwin Twp.
Acres: 30
Forest Type: Oak/Pine/Hemlock
Project Type: Timber Sale
Notes: Landowner has selected trees for harvest, about 240 sawtimber. Soft ground in a few spots will be a challenge. Overall good quality material. Access is good.
Forestry Referral Number: __-__-___
Referral Status: Service Provider information sent to landowner.
Project Type: Timber sale
Date: __/__/____
Location: Sherman Township, Iosco County
Acres: 40
Forest Type: About 25 acres of mature soft maple, some oaks, a few cherries and hard maples. Good quality, well stocked.
Project Type: Timber sale
Soils: The soils are productive. Soils will be a bit of a hurdle, some soft ground. Soil survey indicates poorly suited for equipment, roads, landings.
Notes: Landowner goal is income, open to a heavy cut but not full out CC.
The topography is flat, wet soils in some areas of parcel.
There is some autumn olive present, and barberry, towards the south of the parcel.
Referral Status: Service Provider information sent to landowner.
Project Type: Timber sale
Date: __/__/____
Location: Sherman Township, Iosco County
Acres: 40
Forest Type: About 25 acres of mature soft maple, some oaks, a few cherries and hard maples. Good quality, well stocked.
Project Type: Timber sale
Soils: The soils are productive. Soils will be a bit of a hurdle, some soft ground. Soil survey indicates poorly suited for equipment, roads, landings.
Notes: Landowner goal is income, open to a heavy cut but not full out CC.
The topography is flat, wet soils in some areas of parcel.
There is some autumn olive present, and barberry, towards the south of the parcel.