Iosco County News-Herald – Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Brown Trout (BNT) in Lake Huron
At a meeting in Bay City DNR-Fisheries Management Biologist April Simmons discussed Brown
Trout (BNT) stocking and tagging in Saginaw. Between 1979 – 2011, 3.29 million BNT (roughly
half of the total number stocked in Lake Huron) were stocked in Tawas Bay. The stocking was
discontinued in 2012 because of poor results, due to a decrease in alewives (a prey buffer),
increase in walleye predation, and a recovered bird population. Currently, about 10,000 BNT
are being stocked into the East Branch of the AuGres River. The goal is to create a resident
(reproducing) river fishery. BNT have been stocked in the Rifle River as well. The over-all
objective is to have a diverse fishery in Saginaw Bay, to include yellow perch and walleye, etc.
Ms. Simmons reminded fishermen to report their catches of BNT; otherwise, the assumption will
be made that no one is catching BNT and therefore, that the stocking is not working. This year
Ms. Simmons began a pilot study using acoustic telemetry tags, the same as with walleye, to
REALLY study and obtain data on what the BNT populations are doing: migration patterns,
calculate the mean growth index, the strain of BNT, etc. There is also a system of fin-clipping to
identify where the fish was stocked. To report your catch call a DNR Office or submit a photo
via the Eyes in the Field tool. She further advised that the easiest thing is to save the carcass;
she will take the whole thing. Ms. Simmons contact info: 989-686-2295 and
[email protected]
Brown Trout (BNT) in Lake Huron
At a meeting in Bay City DNR-Fisheries Management Biologist April Simmons discussed Brown
Trout (BNT) stocking and tagging in Saginaw. Between 1979 – 2011, 3.29 million BNT (roughly
half of the total number stocked in Lake Huron) were stocked in Tawas Bay. The stocking was
discontinued in 2012 because of poor results, due to a decrease in alewives (a prey buffer),
increase in walleye predation, and a recovered bird population. Currently, about 10,000 BNT
are being stocked into the East Branch of the AuGres River. The goal is to create a resident
(reproducing) river fishery. BNT have been stocked in the Rifle River as well. The over-all
objective is to have a diverse fishery in Saginaw Bay, to include yellow perch and walleye, etc.
Ms. Simmons reminded fishermen to report their catches of BNT; otherwise, the assumption will
be made that no one is catching BNT and therefore, that the stocking is not working. This year
Ms. Simmons began a pilot study using acoustic telemetry tags, the same as with walleye, to
REALLY study and obtain data on what the BNT populations are doing: migration patterns,
calculate the mean growth index, the strain of BNT, etc. There is also a system of fin-clipping to
identify where the fish was stocked. To report your catch call a DNR Office or submit a photo
via the Eyes in the Field tool. She further advised that the easiest thing is to save the carcass;
she will take the whole thing. Ms. Simmons contact info: 989-686-2295 and
[email protected]